It’s fun to watch our favorite actors arriving for the Oscars, primped, polished and poufed to perfection. We all know, though, that this sort of thing can take hours…and hours…to achieve. For everyday good looks, though, there are skin care tricks that will leave you looking just as beautiful without as much effort.
The best part is, the strategy is quite simple. Less is more, when it comes to skin. Here are a few basic tricks for getting–and keeping–your face in movie star shape:
- Be diligent about cleansing: Wash away impurities twice a day with a gentle cleanser. Avoid soap and any other products that contain harsh detergents.
- Be careful with your eyes: Use eye makeup remover around your eyes. Delicate skin requires delicate treatment. Avoid the urge to scrub the skin surrounding your eye and instead, soak a cotton ball or square in oil-free makeup remover and using downward strokes over your lashes, gently remove mascara, liner and shadow.
- Moisturize, day and night, and then, do it again: More is more, when it comes to hydration. After cleansing, apply eye cream and oil-free moisturizer (with sunscreen) liberally. Make sure to remember your lips and neck. At night, after cleansing, apply a rich night cream to your skin and lips.
- Remember to exfoliate: Two to three times a week, use a mild exfoliant to slough away dead skin cells. A rotating facial brush will work, as will creams and lotions containing microbeads. Avoid any products made from shells (such as apricot scrubs), as these can damage your skin.