Hands Down, The Best Treatment
You may have a fresh face and youthful body, you could be giving away your age every time you wave hello. Your hands are subject to all sorts of use, all the time, not to mention environmental and age-related stresses. Their delicate skin pays a price.
But there is a solution. Radiesse, the dermal filler that we’ve used for years to plump areas of the face, is an effective option for hand augmentation. It plumps the hollow spaces that form on the backs of your hands, restoring volume and providing smooth natural-looking results. Radiesse is the first FDA-approved product for this use.
In one treatment, you’ll notice immediate improvement that can last a year or more. You may want to couple Radiesse with a laser treatment that minimizes the dark spots that often emerge on hands for sun exposure or natural aging.
Radiesse injections have been used for years to treat deep lines and depressions around the mouth. It has also been used to correct facial wasting, or hollowing. Because it’s bio-compatible, it can act to stimulate your body’s production of collagen, the natural material that provides structure beneath your skin.
Call our office to learn more about how your hands can look as young as the rest of you.