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Category: Fraxel DUAL

What Do I Do With an Empty House? Come See Us

In the upcoming weeks, many of you will be sending your college kids back to campus, some of you for the first time. Whatever stage you find yourself in, the maiden launch or the latest of many, you’ll no doubt feel a mix of emotions. It is hard to see your children go, but that is, after all, what we want them to do.


Their independence gives you a bit more time to yourself, and why not direct your energies toward your own care and feeding. Moms are famous for living on the back burner. Now is a good time to ease yourself forward.


We offer many super-parent beauty treatments that are easy to accomplish, convenient and stress-free.


Here are a few conditions that you may be concerned about and treatments for helping you feel better about how you look:

• For unwanted fat: SmartLipo TriplexExilis Ultra 360
• For unwanted hair growth:Laser Hair Removal, IPL Hair Removal
• For loose skin: InfiniThermage CPTExilis Ultra 360, Fraxel lasers, SmartLipo Triplex
• For brown spots: Fraxel DUAL laserIPL (intense pulsed light)Diolite (KTP532) laser, chemical peels
• For cellulite: CellulazeExilis Ultra 360
• For double chin: Kybella


Please call our office for a complimentary consultation. New seasons are a time for positive change, and we are ready to help you transform, physically and emotionally.


See you soon.


Sun Spots: Inevitable, but Reparable

No matter how religious you are about avoiding the sun, you’ve probably noticed a freckle or two by this point in the summer. Ultraviolet radiation has a way of seeping through hats and sunscreen, no matter how hard you try to cover up, and it’s a major cause of visible aging. Blotchy, uneven skin tone lends a weathered appearance, but we can help to restore the clear complexion of youth.


Using the most advanced treatments for all different kinds of pigmentation and skin types, we can decrease the appearance of sun spots easily and effectively. Here are a few tried-and-true methods:



Lasers generate an intense beam of light that destroys the unwanted cells in the affected area, leaving only healthy cells behind. Diolite is gentle, precise and controlled. We can direct the light to the sun spot only, leaving your surrounding tissue intact.


Intense Pulsed Light

IPL is a breakthrough, age-defying photo-rejuvenation procedure that quickly, effectively, and non-invasively treats skin damage. Pulsed-light systems treat pigmentation very similarly to lasers. IPL is a versatile treatment that repairs imperfections including rosacea (facial inflammation), vascular lesions and acne scarring, in addition to freckling. It can be used on your face, neck, chest, hands, legs–almost anywhere–except for the delicate skin around your eyes. Photo-rejuvenation offers long-term results without any downtime, recovery time or chemicals.



Fraxel laser treatments offer the most advanced technology for improving skin’s radiance. Fraxel re:pairFraxel DUAL and Clear&Brilliant provide different levels of treatment, depending on your individual needs.


It may be a good time to think about sun spot treatment, with just a few weeks left of the summer season. Call our office for a complimentary consultation, and we’ll help you determine your best options.


See you soon.


The Fraxel Decision: Which is Right for You?

The gold standard of laser skin rejuvenation treatments, Fraxel is a state-of-the-art procedure for repairing skin. Whether you suffer from sun damage or the effects of aging and the environment, Fraxel lasers safely and effectively restore your skin. Pinpointing just the areas that need improvement, Fraxel will return your skin to its youthful radiance, texture and tone.


You have two options for treatment, Fraxel DUAL and Fraxel Repair.


Here is what each can do for you…


The Fraxel DUAL Laser provides moderate-level treatment for many skin conditions, including pigmentation, uneven tone, lines and acne scarring, poor texture and more, both on and off the face. It’s safe for use on all skin types, stimulating your body’s natural healing process as it resurfaces and restores damaged skin. There is no downtime, though you may need several treatments for optimal effects.


Fraxel Repair, a more aggressive approach than Fraxel DUAL, provides a higher level of treatment. It’s a great choice for deep lines, hard-to-erase lip lines, pronounced photodamage, sagging face and neck skin, facial wrinkles and discolorations, age-related/sun-damaged rough skin texture, acne scars and surgical scars. Fraxel Repair deeply penetrates the skin with carbon dioxide laser beams, which minimize wrinkles and discolorations and also tighten skin. Typically, just one treatment is necessary, yielding superior results. Old damaged skin is removed, allowing for new collagen formation. Recuperation time is more considerable than that of the DUAL.


With either treatment, your skin will emerge looking youthful, smooth and beautiful. Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation, and we’ll help you determine which procedure is best for you.


See you soon.


Don’t Forget Those Hands

You may have taken care to keep your face and body looking youthful, but the telltale signs of aging happen in places that we might forget. Hands, even though we use them and see them all of the time, are one of the most overlooked spots for cosmetic treatment. Because they are so active and exposed to the elements, and because the skin is so delicate, hands are prone to sun damage, wrinkles and discoloration. Often, they can make you look older than you are.


There are a number of effective techniques that can help rejuvenate your hands, improving the quality and texture of your skin, while decreasing the wrinkling and prominent veins. If you’ve noticed prominent veins and tendons because of volume loss, or wrinkly and thin skin, or age spots, we have several techniques that can help.


First, injectable fillers may be used in various locations on the hands to plump and reshape sagging or loose skin. For fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, sun damage or irregular pigmentation, we offer non invasive treatments like Fraxel DUAL and Thermage CPT.


Mid-summer may be an optimal time for these quick and easy hand rejuvenation treatments. Call our office for a complimentary consultation, and we’ll devise a plan just for you.


See you soon.


The Skin Cycle: What You Can Expect, Decade by Decade

Your skin has a natural plan. With each year that passes, it undergoes assorted stressors, some that it has experienced before and some that are brand new. And it reacts to these changing stimuli in different ways, subtle and not-so. Unfortunately, while you may not feel any older, your skin has another story to tell. Aging plays tricks on its delicate composition. But do not despair–you have strategies at your disposal for warding off the first signs of attack. The trick: know what’s coming and take as many precautions as possible.


Here is what you can expect:


In Your 20s and 30s: Get ready. Hormonal changes may happen during this time, causing adult acne. We can treat it, though, with our Pulsed Dye Laser. Also, you may notice hints of wrinkles (yes, they begin early) and pigmentation. Botox and Dysport will help minimize lines, keeping them from setting and deepening. Catching them early is more effective than waiting until they are extreme. Fraxel DUAL and IPL will help reduce discoloration, brown spots and freckling.


In Your 40s: Your skin may begin to lose its luster, appearing dull and rough. Also, age spots may appear since the skin can’t repair itself as quickly or as completely as it used to. You may notice, too, that your skin doesn’t glow as much, since skin cell shedding begins to slow down. But, we can brighten and smooth out your skin with Clear+BrilliantFraxel DUAL and Fraxel Repair laser treatments. Your skin tone will look even, and wrinkles and pores will diminish. During your 40s, wrinkles may be deeper than they were before. Dermal fillers such as Restylane, Restylane Defyne, Restylane Refyne, Restylane LyftRestylane SilkVolumaJuvedermBelotero and Radiesse, and neurotoxins, such as Botox and Dysport, are effective in reducing the appearance of these lines and folds.


In Your 50s and 60s: Subtle lines may have turned into deep wrinkles and previously taut skin may have begun to sag. Declining collagen and elastin levels cause your skin to become thinner and more fragile. As the underlying skin structure is less supported, the skin falls down and droops. We have many treatments, such as Infini, that can work wonders to resurface skin and stimulate collagen production, which will help lift up and plump your skin, nonsurgically. The treatments will also help to brighten and lighten any discoloration caused by sun exposure or simple aging.


At all times of your life, remember to do what you can to preserve your skin’s natural beauty. Wear plenty of sunscreen (and not only in the summer), avoid the sun as much as possible, steer clear of smoking and cleanse and moisturize often.


Call our office for a complimentary consultation. We’ll help you look your most natural youthful best.


See you soon.

Eyes: Windows to Your…Age

No one really wants to reveal his or her age. But there are places on our bodies that can give secrets away, namely, the eyes.


The skin surrounding your eyes is extremely delicate, making it susceptible to cosmetic problems that make you look older than you are. Also, because it moves so much during facial expression, lines and wrinkles form over time. Crow’s feet emerge on the outside of the eye and creases appear underneath the lash line, for instance. Add dark circles, hollowing, drooping lids and puffiness, and you will appear tired and worn. Perhaps you’ve tried creams that claim to tighten skin or cold tea bags and cucumbers that temporarily reduce fluid retention, but you are still not happy when you look into the mirror.


We offer a range of nonsurgical treatments that will help return a well-rested look to your eyes and ultimately, your face. Depending on your individual needs, we can craft a personal plan that will help you look refreshed and more youthful, with minimal downtime and recuperation.


Here are a few of our most popular eye treatments:

Come talk with us about how we can help. Call our office today to schedule your complimentary consultation. And meantime, keep applying that sunscreen.


See you soon.


Rescue Those Aging Eyes

So much of your appearance–how young or old, happy or sad, or refreshed or worn out–begins with your eyes. If you feel you’ve lost the sparkle that you used to have, you’ll be happy to know that we can help.


The delicate skin in this area is extremely thin and becomes thinner with time. Because it contains little subcutaneous fat, it is vulnerable to conditions such as dark circles, bags or swelling, hollowing, and drooping lids and brows. Also, it is especially sensitive to stress from facial movements such as laughing, squinting and frowning, repeated motions that contribute to the formation of lines and wrinkles such as crow’s feet.


Also, the thick collagen network that gives skin structural support begins to break down with time. Your body’s internal processes and external factors such as sun exposure increase the levels of enzymes that break down collagen.


What can help: We have a repertoire of nonsurgical treatments that are safe and effective. Here is a quick run-down:


Dermal fillers, such as BeloteroJuvederm, and Restylane will plump up crow’s feet, lines and wrinkles under the eye and hollowing that may result as we age.


Injectables such as Botox and Dysport will help minimize crow’s feet and lines caused by normal facial expression.


Lasers, including Fraxel RepairFraxel DUAL, Laser Wrinkle Reduction and Clear & Brilliant, will help add smoothness, glow and luminosity to the area around your eyes.


Finally, Microdermabrasion and GentleWaves Photomodulation are two more useful techniques for brightening your eyes by restoring vigor to the delicate skin surrounding them.


We’re confident that all of our treatments will help you look happy and younger and feel that way, too.


Call our office today to schedule your complimentary consultation. I’ll develop a treatment plan just for you.


See you soon.

Are You Washed Out From Winter?

There is nothing like a good northeastern winter to do a number on your skin. Right now, your face is probably feeling dry and tight from wind and cold, and sallow and blotchy from extra time spent indoors. March is the perfect time for restoring moisture and glow, and we have a few tricks up our sleeve for doing just that.


An assortment of procedures will enhance the quality of your skin tone and texture. Lasers such as Fraxel Dual and Fraxel Repair will remove the outer layers of your skin with controlled focused light, prompting collagen production, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, zapping spots, minimizing broken capillaries, hiding scars and improving overall skin texture.


DermaFrac is a simple pain-free alternative to fractional laser treatments. Incorporating breakthrough micro-channeling technology, the process infuses your skin with serums that target specific conditions.


Another non-ablative treatment for your face is Pulsed Dye Laser, which uses yellow light to stimulate your body’s own ability to form collagen. As this supportive material is produced, it fills in the lines and wrinkles that have emerged with age. You’ll see gradual smoothing over time, and the procedure takes less than a half-hour.


Finally, you might try simple microdermabrasion, which offers a terrific mid-winter boost. Often referred to as “the lunchtime peel,” this easy treatment rejuvenates and revitalizes your skin. It’s painless and quick, and helps to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation (brown spots), acne clogged pores, scarring, blemishes, dry skin, oily skin and other conditions. Microdermabrasion may be used on light or dark skin, and on areas besides the face, including your neck, chest, arms, elbows, knees and hands.


Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation. I’ll help you figure out the best treatment for fighting winter wash-out.


See you soon.


Love Yourself First

This Valentine’s Day, you may be thinking about the people in your life whom you love. But don’t forget about you.


Being happy with ourselves is a struggle for many of us. For all sorts of reasons, we often have a hard time embracing our strengths, accepting our imperfections and knowing what to do to feel and be our best selves.


I often wonder how we fit into this landscape. We improve physical imperfections. Some might say that people should be content with what they look like, without the extra help that we offer. Over the years, we’ve found that this extra help, when you request it on your own, goes a long way to help you feel better about yourselves. And we are happy about making you happy.


So, this Valentine’s Day, take some time for yourself. If we can help you do that, let us know.


This month is an optimal time to consider our favorite mid-winter treatments, including SmartLipo TriplexFraxel Dual and RepairKybellaThermage CPT and Laser Hair Removal.


If you’d like to talk with us about how we can help you feel and look your most happy, call our office for a complimentary consultation. We’ll help you determine what is best for you.


Meantime, Happy Valentine’s Day, and see you soon.


Treat Yourself Now: Schedule a Mommy Makeover

If it’s been about six months since you’ve had your baby, you may be feeling more like yourself. You may have lost most of your pregnancy weight and stopped nursing, you may be sleeping more, you may be back at work. But there may be a few cosmetic issues that have lingered, and really bother you. Most new moms aren’t prepared for some of the changes that their bodies will endure, but many of them are reversible.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a toll on the skin and body, specifically the face and stomach. It is not uncommon for you to experience an array of conditions, including acne, acne scarring, melasma (darkened facial skin), cellulite, unwanted fat, unwanted hair growth, prominent facial blood vessels, loose skin, brown spots and stretch marks.


You may be feeling that you don’t have the time or the energy to address these issues right now, but your self-esteem and general well-being are important. A few simple cosmetic treatments can boost your overall mood more than you may imagine. Now, with a few holiday weeks coming up, you may find that you have some extra time to invest in yourself.


Here’s how I can help:

• For acne: pulsed dye laserDermaFracmicrodermabrasion
• For melasma: Fraxel DUAL laser
• For cellulite: CellulazeExilis Ultra 360
• For unwanted fat: SmartLipo Triplex, Exilis Ultra 360
• For unwanted hair growth: Laser Hair Removal, IPL Hair Removal
• For facial blood vessels: Diolite (KTP532) laser, IPL (intense pulsed light)
• For loose skin: INFINI™, Thermage CPT, Exilis Ultra 360, Fraxel lasers, laser wrinkle reduction
• For brown spots: Fraxel DUAL laser, IPL (intense pulsed light), Diolite (KTP532) laser
• For stretch marks: Fraxel lasers, Infini
• For acne scarring: INFINI™, Fraxel lasers, pulsed dye laser, dermal fillers
• For vaginal laxity: Ultra Femme 360


Call our office to schedule a complimentary consultation. I’ll tailor a post-baby treatment plan just for you.

See you soon.

Lasers: A Crash Course

You’ve heard the word “laser” so often, but what does it truly mean and how does it work so well for so many conditions?


The word is actually an acronym, standing for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. This means that the device produces an intense beam of bright light that travels in one direction, toward the area that needs treatment. The laser beam can cut, seal or vaporize skin tissue and blood vessels, allowing us to perform all sorts of procedures on the face and body.


What is special about the laser is that it has the unique ability to produce one specific color, or wavelength, of light, which can be varied in its intensity and pulse duration. The wavelength and power output of a particular laser determines its medical application. Unlike light from the laser, light from non-laser sources is composed of many different colors and looks white.


Lasers have been used for the treatment of skin lesions since the 1960s. Since then, technological advances have improved the devices, making them a superior technique for treating skin blemishes, facial changes due to aging, discoloration and numerous other conditions.


We use a variety of lasers, including Fraxel Dual and RepairClear + BrilliantDiolite, Gentlelase, Smartlipo Triplex and Cellulaze.


Call our office today and schedule a complimentary consultation. I’ll help you determine which laser is right for you.


See you soon.

Diminish the Dots: Ways to Restore Your Even Skin Tone

Even if you avoid the sun religiously, your skin is bound to suffer some effects of UVA and UVB rays. If you avoid the beach and cover yourself with sunscreen, you’ll still notice that your skin may appear more tan in the summer than it is now, in November. And now, you may even notice freckles and brown spots, which are more visible on fair skin than dark. So, it’s a terrific time for reducing the appearance of these spots and restoring your skin to its smooth and even tone.


Freckles can have a range of colors, from red, yellow, tan, light brown, brown or black. You’ll most likely notice that on your skin, they are generally the same color. Caused by an increase in the amount of dark pigment, or melanin, freckles reveal themselves in two different ways–simple and sunburn. Simple freckles are usually tan, round and small. Sunburn freckles are darker, larger and may have irregular borders. They usually appear on the upper back and shoulders where severe sunburns often occur.


To reduce the appearance of these dark spots, we offer a variety of treatments:


DioliteThis gentle, precise and controlled laser generates an intense beam of light that destroys unwanted cells in the affected area, leaving only healthy cells behind. With the Diolite laser, we can direct the light to the treatment area only, leaving the surrounding tissue intact.


IPL (Intense Pulsed Light ) Treatment: This photo-rejuvenation procedure quickly, effectively and non-invasively treats skin damage. IPL is a versatile treatment that corrects all kinds of facial skin imperfections and signs of aging, such as freckles and sun spots, as well as rosacea (facial inflammation), vascular lesions and acne scarring.  It safely treats areas including the face, neck, chest, hands and legs and offers long-term results without any downtime, recovery time or chemicals.


Fraxel: A trio of laser treatments, Fraxel offers the most advanced technology for improving your skin’s radiance and youthfulness. Depending on  the intensity of the treatment you need, you can choose Fraxel Repair, Fraxel DUAL or Clear & Brilliant.  Each is a state-of-the-art device with its own advantages.


Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation and learn about how to reduce the appearance of your freckles and brown spots.


See you soon.

Beautiful Natural Results

Dr. Covey's proven and effective treatment plans are tailored especially for you.

Dr. Covey is committed to helping you dramatically enhance your appearance without undergoing traditional surgery. Using the latest and safest cosmetic treatments for face and body rejuvenation, Dr. Covey will help you achieve natural beautiful results, quickly and effectively. Your personalized treatment plan is tailored to meet your specific cosmetic needs.

Contact Us Today


Written by Dr. Covey, this is your source for the latest cosmetic surgery news.

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Dr. Covey has locations in Southampton, New York, Center Moriches and the Palm Beach area.