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Category: Exilis Ultra 360

Firm and Tighten – Everywhere – with Exilis Ultra 360

If you haven’t yet thought about Exilis Ultra 360, now may be the time. This highly effective device combines radiofrequency and ultrasound to tone and tighten loose and sagging skin and melt stubborn fatty deposits anywhere on your face and body. The treatment is great for both deep skin and surface conditions.


Exilis Ultra 360 delivers the optimal amount of energy to various tissue depths, without pain. Now we can safely and effectively deliver the right amount of energy to help reshape your body and increase skin tightness, nonsurgically. Popular areas treated with Exilis Ultra 360 include the face, jowls, neck, chest, back, “love handles,” “bra fat,” abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks and knees. It can also be effective for treating cellulite.


Using controlled heating and cooling, Exilis Ultra 360 is an FDA-approved treatment that offers you real results without surgery–or anesthesia and incisions–and without downtime. It typically requires a few sessions to achieve optimal results. The best part…the results are incremental, getting better and better with time.


Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation. We’ll devise a treatment plan tailored for your individual needs.


See you soon.


Targeting the Waist Up

When it comes to making improvements on your bodies, you may spend a lot of time talking about your lower half. Many people, particularly women, focus on their lower abdomens, hips and legs. When spring turns to summer, though, and sleeveless tops take center stage in wardrobes, many of you ask me about cosmetic treatments for your upper body.


Here’s a quick look at what we can do to trim and tighten your torso and upper extremities:


For arms and elbows: To reduce fat, tighten and contour these areas, SmartLipo TriplexExilis Ultra 360 and Thermage CPT are effective treatments that can be done now, in the spring, with dramatic results. You may notice that your tricep looks droopy, or the spot above your elbow has lost its spring, or the skin in the crease appears crepey. You may also spot bulges in your underarm area. SmartLipo, Exilis Ultra 360 and Thermage CPT can help minimize unwanted fat and folds. Even if you do your weights and toning exercises, sometimes the skin doesn’t respond the way that you want it to, so these minimally invasive treatments could be options for you.


For bra and abdomen fat: Loose-fitting or thick sweaters provide great camouflage during winter and fall. But with temperatures starting to soar, this trick will cease to work. The season’s tiny tops, not to mention bathing suits, will have a hard time covering the excess flesh that protrudes from the top of and the bottom of your bra strap. Those back bulges disrupt your entire silhouette, but we have several treatments that will help reduce them. Along with Exilis Ultra 360 and Thermage CPTSmartLipo is highly effective, as it will destroy fat cells permanently.


Come talk with us about the many options for shaping and tightening your upper body. Call our offices today to schedule a complimentary consultation.


See you soon.


Does This Make Me Look Fat?

Six little words that sail from dressing rooms the world over, this question is practically a mantra for the body conscious. Regardless of your shape, fitness level or weight, you may have worried that you don’t look as thin or as attractive as you possibly could. And if the worry makes you feel bad, you want to do something about it.


This is where we come in. Changing the way you look at your body–which could mean embracing what you don’t like, tweaking what you don’t like or changing dramatically what you don’t like–is what we help you to do.


So, if your fall and winter diet and exercise regimen hasn’t produced the results that you want on the beach in a couple of months, we offer a few ways to help you like what you see in the mirror. Our battery of body contouring treatments include SmartLipo TriplexExilis Ultra 360 and Thermage CPT.


SmartLipo Triplex is a minimally invasive method for removing unwanted fat and sculpting targeted areas of the body. It’s a laser treatment that virtually melts fat cells and suctions them away. Exilis Ultra 360 firms and tones loose and sagging skin and reshapes and melts stubborn fatty deposits anywhere on your face and body. Popular areas treated with Exilis include the face, jowls, neck, chest, back, “love handles,” “bra fat,” abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks and knees. Finally, Thermage CPT is a thermal lift that tightens loose skin on the eyelids, under-eye areas, abdomen, arms, legs and even your sagging buttocks. It is the most effective lift treatment for a multitude of concerns, yielding dramatic results without incisions and recuperation.


So, instead of saying “Does this make me look fat?” why not enter the world of “Doesn’t this make me look beautiful?”


See you soon.


To Sculpt Or Not To Sculpt

It is a big question for many of you. Particularly, if you’ve never had trouble losing weight by dieting and exercising, the thought of body sculpting may seem strange. But, it’s sometimes hard for some of us to improve our bodies without a little help.


Body shaping changes the size, profile and parameters of your anatomy, refining and sculpting areas that fail to respond to fewer calories and more time at the gym. My philosophy is to look at your body as a whole, not as a sum of parts, to create a natural and balanced silhouette that suits your frame. In our fully accredited facility, I utilize many state-of-the-art methods for doing this, including SmartLipo TriplexExilis Ultra 360Thermage CPT and Cellulaze.


What Will Body Sculpting Do For You?

  • tighten loose skin after dramatic weight loss
  • restore a pre-pregnancy body after childbirth
  • tighten up loose saggy skin and remove excess fat pockets
  • eliminate cellulite and the “dimples” it causes
  • give you a trim, firm and contoured body
  • boost self-confidence and esteem


When Is the Best Time for Body Sculpting?

First, it’s important that you are in good general health and are at a stable weight for at least three months. You may choose to have treatments on multiple body areas, and these may be done at the same time or at different times, depending upon your individual plan. We’ll help you decide what is best for you.


Here are some of the procedures that we perform right here in our office:

SmartLipo Triplex: This procedure is less invasive and more precise than traditional liposuction. It removes unwanted fat from specific body areas that have resisted even the strictest diets and toughest exercise regimens. The process actually melts fat, stimulates skin tightening and encourages collagen renewal, using three wavelengths of light and a tiny cannula the size of a small ballpoint pen tip. SmartLipo is particularly effective on the abdomen, neck, jawline, inner arms, male breasts, love handles, bra fat, inner/outer thighs, inner knees, chin, hips, buttocks, pubic mound and back of neck.


Exilis Ultra 360: This is a nonsurgical skin tightening treatment that reduces unwanted inches and lifts and contours sagging skin anywhere on your body.


Thermage CPT: A nonsurgical treatment that will transform skin all over your body, Thermage CPT will tighten loose skin on the eyelids, under-eye areas, abdomen, arms, legs and buttocks. It’s the most effective thermal lift treatment for a multitude of concerns, and it yields dramatic results without incisions and recuperation.


Cellulaze: This minimally invasive procedure melts excess fat under the skin and removes the fibrous bands that pull skin into a dimple. It helps to decrease the appearance of cellulite in the areas where it typically crops up–the buttocks, hips, thighs, arms and abdomen. Cellulaze also stimulates collagen production, which thickens your skin.


As the summer approaches, I look forward to helping you devise a personalized treatment plan for reshaping and contouring your skin. I know that you will love feeling younger, healthier and more vibrant. Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation, and we’ll talk about how we can help you look and feel your best.


See you soon.


And Now, Your Neck: Option 5 – Smartlipo Triplex

Last week, you read about Exilis Ultra 360, one of several effective nonsurgical options for an aging neck. This week, I’ll tell you about another successful treatment, SmartLipo Triplex.


You may be bothered by the tiny wrinkles that have formed over time on the delicate skin of your neck. It may look crepey rather than smooth and taut, and you may have taken to covering up this part of your body with scarves and turtlenecks. Though traditional surgery has been the go-to solution in the past, now we can eradicate the signs of aging with a less invasive procedure, SmartLipo Triplex.


Perhaps you’ve heard about this treatment before, or have even chosen it for reducing fat in other areas of your body, such as the stomach, waist, hips, legs or back. You may not realize that SmartLipo Triplex is highly effective for smoothing skin on the small area under your chin and on your neck. SmartLipo Triplex is an FDA-approved laser that offers precise high-definition body sculpting in targeted areas. Fat cells are virtually destroyed and skin is tightened, all in one treatment in our state-of-the-art office.


As with all of our treatments, a specific plan will be developed just for you, depending on your individual needs and concerns.


Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation.


Next week, we’ll talk about another safe and effective procedure for your neck…Fraxel Repair.


See you soon.


And Now, Your Neck: Option 4 – Exilis Ultra 360

Last week, you heard about Thermage CPT, one of the latest nonsurgical options for an aging neck. This week, I’ll tell you about another successful treatment, Exilis Ultra 360.


Typically, as we age, we look at our faces in the mirror and notice changes. Many of us don’t pay too much attention to our necks, until one day, we do. It’s not uncommon to overlook the tiny wrinkles that form over time and the crepey appearance that occurs on this delicate skin. You may worry that any treatment that can tighten and smooth this area will have to be complicated and invasive, but that’s not the case. Traditional surgery with large incisions and a long painful recovery is not always necessary, even for treating an aging neck. We have numerous nonsurgical treatment options that we perform routinely in our offices, all of which yield effective and safe results.


One of the most popular is Exilis Ultra 360, a treatment that targets thermal energy to your neck with maximum power and complete control. We can safely deliver the right amount of thermal energy in order to tighten, firm and tone loose and sagging skin. Using a dual function handpiece, we can stimulate the collagen support tissues under the skin to remodel and tighten, resulting in firmer skin and a reduction in fatty deposits. You’ll find Exilis Ultra 360 to be comfortable and quick (just about 30 minutes), and you’ll see results that are lasting and measurable over time.


As with all of our treatments, a specific plan will be developed just for you, depending on your individual needs and concerns. Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation.


Next week, we’ll talk about another safe and effective procedure for your neck…SmartLipo Triplex.


See you soon.


And Now, Your Neck: Option 3 – Thermage CPT

Last week, you heard about Kybella, one of the latest nonsurgical options for an aging neck. This week, I’ll tell you about another successful option, Thermage CPT.


Many of you worry about wrinkling on your neck as the years tick by and don’t like the crepey appearance that occurs on this delicate skin. You may have friends who have had traditional plastic surgery to tighten sags and folds, but procedures as invasive as this are not always necessary. An aging neck presents numerous nonsurgical treatment options, all of which yield effective and safe results.


Definitive improvement is possible, with minimally invasive FDA-approved procedures that we perform routinely in our offices. One of the most popular is Thermage CPT, a thermal lift that yields dramatic results without recuperation and downtime. (You can return to your normal routine right away.) Using controlled radio frequency energy to tighten tissue and collagen, we can reduce skin laxity and wrinkles after just one treatment. Initial results are visible within a few weeks as tightening, smoothing and improved tone and texture are seen in the treated areas. The long-term results occur over time as the healthier collagen tightens and wrinkles lessen. Studies show that the results can last from several months to several years, depending upon the individual aging process.


As with all of our treatments, a specific plan will be developed just for you, depending on your individual needs and concerns. Call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation.


Next week, we’ll talk about another safe and effective procedure for your neck…Exilis Ultra 360.


See you soon.


Treat Yourself Now: Schedule a Mommy Makeover

If it’s been about six months since you’ve had your baby, you may be feeling more like yourself. You may have lost most of your pregnancy weight and stopped nursing, you may be sleeping more, you may be back at work. But there may be a few cosmetic issues that have lingered, and really bother you. Most new moms aren’t prepared for some of the changes that their bodies will endure, but many of them are reversible.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a toll on the skin and body, specifically the face and stomach. It is not uncommon for you to experience an array of conditions, including acne, acne scarring, melasma (darkened facial skin), cellulite, unwanted fat, unwanted hair growth, prominent facial blood vessels, loose skin, brown spots and stretch marks.


You may be feeling that you don’t have the time or the energy to address these issues right now, but your self-esteem and general well-being are important. A few simple cosmetic treatments can boost your overall mood more than you may imagine. Now, with a few holiday weeks coming up, you may find that you have some extra time to invest in yourself.


Here’s how I can help:

• For acne: pulsed dye laserDermaFracmicrodermabrasion
• For melasma: Fraxel DUAL laser
• For cellulite: CellulazeExilis Ultra 360
• For unwanted fat: SmartLipo Triplex, Exilis Ultra 360
• For unwanted hair growth: Laser Hair Removal, IPL Hair Removal
• For facial blood vessels: Diolite (KTP532) laser, IPL (intense pulsed light)
• For loose skin: INFINI™, Thermage CPT, Exilis Ultra 360, Fraxel lasers, laser wrinkle reduction
• For brown spots: Fraxel DUAL laser, IPL (intense pulsed light), Diolite (KTP532) laser
• For stretch marks: Fraxel lasers, Infini
• For acne scarring: INFINI™, Fraxel lasers, pulsed dye laser, dermal fillers
• For vaginal laxity: Ultra Femme 360


Call our office to schedule a complimentary consultation. I’ll tailor a post-baby treatment plan just for you.


See you soon.


Your Pre-Holiday Beauty Boost

When the calendar flips to November, the holidays aren’t far behind. It’s the season for looking your best, and dramatic results are possible, even in just a few weeks.

There is still time for many quick in-and-out treatments that will make all the difference in your appearance. Instantly, you’ll look fresh and rested, and you’ll feel invigorated, too…just the right recipe for the holiday season.

Here are a few suggestions for the upcoming weeks…

Try a nonsurgical mini facelift that will tighten skin and boost collagen production. With Thermage CPTwe can treat the skin on the eyelids, under-eye areas, abdomen, arms, legs and sagging buttocks. It’s the most effective lift treatment for a multitude of concerns, and the results are dramatic. Or, you can try an Exilis Ultra 360 treatment, which tightens, firms and tones loose and sagging skin and reshapes and melts stubborn fatty deposits anywhere on your face and body. Popular areas treated with Exilis include the face, jowls, neck, “love handles,” “bra fat,” abdomen, thighs, hips and buttocks.

Minimize lines and boost volume in your lips with Restylane Kysse, the latest filler for adding shape and definition to your mouth area.

Reduce wrinkles and tighten skin with Infini, a high intensity focused radiofrequency treatment that’s also terrific for minimizing acne scarring.

Restore facial volume with dermal fillers such as VolumaRadiesse and Restylane Lyft. These will reduce hollowness and diminish lines that have formed with age.

Smooth out forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet with Botox or Dysport.

Fill in smile lines, marionette lines or nasolabial folds (lines that stretch from the outer edge of the nostrils to the outer tip of the lips) with Restylane DefyneRestylane RefyneJuvedermRestylane or Radiesse.

All of these quick treatments are nonsurgical, requiring no anesthesia or downtime. You can be back in full swing immediately, looking younger and feeling that way, too.

Call our offices this week to schedule a pre-holiday appointment.

See you soon.


Tracking Changes In Your Skin

It seems that summer just began and now, Labor Day is around the corner. The time goes quickly, and while you may not feel any older, your skin has another story to tell. Aging plays tricks on the delicate composition of your skin. The best way to ward off the signs of stress is to know what is ahead and take as many precautions as possible.


Here is what you can expect:


In Your 20s and 30s: Get ready. Hormonal changes can happen during this time, causing adult acne. We can treat it, though, with our Pulsed Dye Laser. Also, you may notice the first signs of wrinkles and pigmentation. Botox and Dysport will help minimize lines, keeping them from setting and deepening. Fraxel DUAL and IPL will help reduce discoloration, brown spots and freckling.


In Your 40s: Your skin may look dull and rough, and age spots may appear since the skin can’t repair itself as quickly or as completely as it use to. You may notice that your skin is beginning to lose its youthful glow as skin cell shedding begins to slow down. But, we can brighten and smooth out your skin with Fraxel DUAL and Fraxel Repair laser treatments. Your skin tone will look even, and wrinkles and pores will diminish. During this time, wrinkles may be deeper than they were before. Dermal fillers such as RestylaneRestylane DefyneRestylane LyftRestylane RefyneRestylane SilkVolumaJuvedermBelotero and Radiesse, and neurotoxins, such as Botox and Dysport, are effective in reducing the appearance of these lines and folds.


In Your 50s and 60s: You may notice that subtle lines have turned into deep wrinkles and previously taut skin has begun to sag. Declining collagen and elastin levels cause your skin to become thinner and more fragile and the underlying skin structure to be less supported. Lasers such as Fraxel Repair and Fraxel Dual can work wonders to resurface skin and stimulate collagen production, which will help lift up and plump your skin, nonsurgically. They will also help to lighten any discoloration caused by sun exposure or simple aging. Loose and sagging skin can be tightened with radiofrequency treatments like Infini and Exilis Ultra 360.


At all times of your life, remember to do what you can to preserve your skin’s natural beauty. Wear plenty of sunscreen (and not only in the summer), avoid the sun as much as possible, steer clear of smoking and cleanse and moisturize often.


If you’d like to hear how we can help you look your most youthful best, call our office for a complimentary consultation.


See you soon.


What Do I Do With an Empty House? Come See Us

In the upcoming weeks, many of you will be sending your college kids back to campus, some of you for the first time. Whatever stage you find yourself in, the maiden launch or the latest of many, you’ll no doubt feel a mix of emotions. It is hard to see your children go, but that is, after all, what we want them to do.


Their independence gives you a bit more time to yourself, and why not direct your energies toward your own care and feeding. Moms are famous for living on the back burner. Now is a good time to ease yourself forward.


We offer many super-parent beauty treatments that are easy to accomplish, convenient and stress-free.


Here are a few conditions that you may be concerned about and treatments for helping you feel better about how you look:

• For unwanted fat: SmartLipo TriplexExilis Ultra 360
• For unwanted hair growth:Laser Hair Removal, IPL Hair Removal
• For loose skin: InfiniThermage CPTExilis Ultra 360, Fraxel lasers, SmartLipo Triplex
• For brown spots: Fraxel DUAL laserIPL (intense pulsed light)Diolite (KTP532) laser, chemical peels
• For cellulite: CellulazeExilis Ultra 360
• For double chin: Kybella


Please call our office for a complimentary consultation. New seasons are a time for positive change, and we are ready to help you transform, physically and emotionally.


See you soon.

Beware the Dreaded Droop

It is not something that you write in your calendar: “Skin sagging, July 30.” It is something that creeps up over time, sneakily, until one day, you notice.


The skin that used to appear taut and firm has begun to droop. You know that your body’s production of collagen has slowed, but you didn’t realize what exactly this process would do. Collagen, the natural anchoring substance under the skin, gives you a youthful and lifted appearance. But as it depletes, whether by simple aging or hereditary and environmental factors, your skin may begin to sag. Combined with the gradual decrease in elastin, the material that provides suppleness and resilience, your skin loses its tension and spring.


No area of your body, it seems, is safe. You may experience sagging in the face, neck, eyelids, abdomen, arms, legs and buttocks. While no nonsurgical treatment can reverse the condition entirely, many can drastically improve your appearance. We offer safe and effective treatments that will help your skin look younger and tighter.


Here are a few:


Thermage CPT is a thermal lift that is particularly effective for reducing loose skin around the eyes.


Exilis Ultra 360 is a treatment that combines radiofrequency and ultrasound to offer maximum power and targeted control, so that we focus on only the areas that need help.


INFINI is a high-energy radiofrequency device that smooths wrinkles and plumps skin. It is also particularly helpful for minimizing acne scarring.


Fraxel Repair is a laser that works on reducing deep lines, hard-to-erase lip lines, pronounced photodamage, sagging face and neck skin, facial wrinkles and discolorations, age-related/sun-damaged rough skin texture, acne scars and surgical scars.


SmartLipo Triplex is a laser treatment that removes fat and tightens skin at the same time.


Kybella is a treatment that we use to minimize submental fat, more commonly known as the “double chin.”


If sagging skin is a concern for you, come in and talk with us about how we can help you feel better. Our consultations are complimentary, so call today to schedule an appointment.


See you soon.


Beautiful Natural Results

Dr. Covey's proven and effective treatment plans are tailored especially for you.

Dr. Covey is committed to helping you dramatically enhance your appearance without undergoing traditional surgery. Using the latest and safest cosmetic treatments for face and body rejuvenation, Dr. Covey will help you achieve natural beautiful results, quickly and effectively. Your personalized treatment plan is tailored to meet your specific cosmetic needs.

Contact Us Today


Written by Dr. Covey, this is your source for the latest cosmetic surgery news.

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Dr. Covey has locations in Southampton, New York, Center Moriches and the Palm Beach area.