Category: anti-aging
RIGHT LASER at the RIGHT TIME to Correct Skin Problems
Choosing the right laser treatment at the right time can treat a host of skin problems…in fact, just about every problem under the sun. Age reversing laser treatments have become an integral part of the anti-aging revolution as proven by the thousands of men and women, of all ages, who now include laser procedures in their regular cosmetic/health regimen.
Laser treatments can be fractional ablative or non ablative. Fraxel Re:Pair fractional ablative lasers remove part of the top layer of skin tissue. Fractional ablative lasers can be powered up or down to increase or decrease penetration. The deeper the laser penetration, the more dramatic the results will be. Nonablative lasers penetrate the skin without affecting the outermost layer of skin tissue.
Laser treatment I offer my patients include: Fraxel Re:Pair, Smartlipo TriPlex, Cellulaze, Clear+Brilliant, Pulsed Dye laser, Laser Hair Removal, Laser Wrinkle Reduction.
THERMAGE CPT…is today’s most effective “lift” treatment (Thermal Lift) for sagging under the eyes, arms, legs, thighs and even the buttocks. Thermage has been featured on Oprah and in many Women’s magazines as the “no downtime non surgical facelift” that tightens the eyelids and under eye areas of the face.
Treatments we do using Thermage CPT also include hand treatments to reduce the excess wrinkling and sagging of skin. We can also use Thermage CPT to give patients a flatter, smoother tummy, thighs, buttocks, arms and more.
Thermage firms sagging skin, corrects skin laxity and is a very popular treatment today in the war against aging. Thermage helps to restore youthfulness!
- ACNE responds well to pulsed dye lasers. Often, I use lasers in combo with microdermabrasion and dermal fillers to successfully treat acne and acne scarring.
- DISCOLORED SCARS can be treated with fractional ablative and non ablative lasers depending upon your condition and goals. Fraxel lasers, Diolite and IPL are all used for these treatments.
- VEINS and BLOOD VESSELS are commonly treated with non ablative lasers such as Diolite, pulsed dye or IPL.
- NORMAL AGING and WRINKLES can be effectively treated with fractional ablative and non ablative lasers depending upon your condition and goals.
- HAIR REMOVAL is done using laser or IPL treatments. Several treatments are required to achieve permanent hair reduction because the hair grows in cycles…so treatments are scheduled to address this effectively.
- SUN SPOTS and FRECKLES are treated with fractional ablative and non ablative lasers…such as Fraxel Dual, Fraxel Re:Pair and Diolite as well as IPL for pigmented lesions. The lasers attack the pigment to cause “a lightening of the spots” that flake away within a few days.
There are so many more laser treatments that we do at East End Laser Care. I’ve been expertly performing laser treatments for well over two decades and have witnessed the unbelievable power lasers offer to combat aging, sun damage and so much more.
Spring is finally here…and beach time is not far off. Are you “Beach Body Ready?” Let’s talk soon!
Dr. Covey
Problem solving laser treatments are among our most common anti aging cosmetic procedures. Lasers target different types of cells to reduce or eliminate pigmentation, fade scars or redness, minimize wrinkles and treat textural problems. See the following bullets to learn a few of the amazing uses for lasers:
- Reverse the signs of aging
- Reduce deep lines and scars
- Resurface the skin
- Tighten lax skin
- Remove unwanted hair
- Reduce or eliminate skin pigmentation
- Correct textural abnormalities, sun damage…and more!
For the benefit of new readers, review my last blog to get up to speed and then keep reading as I am going to write a couple more blogs on the benefits of today’s age reversing cosmetic treatments using lasers.
WHAT IS A LASER? A laser is Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation, using a crystal to produce a targeted beam of light.
One type of laser does not work for every problem. There are many types of lasers being employed today to perform both “non ablative and ablative treatments.” Laser treatments involve little to no downtime or discomfort due to topical numbing cream and/or oral sedatives. See my website for complete info on laser options:
Two more laser treatments I offer my patients are:
FRAXEL RE:PAIR…a revolutionary way to repair and restore damaged skin. After years of smoking, or fun in the sun, or age related changes, more pronounced photodamage, sagging face and neck skin and even delicate chest skin, facial discolorations, deep lines, hard to erase lip lines, rough skin texture, acne scars and surgical scars… all respond well to treatments using Fraxel Re:Pair laser. Fraxel Re:Pair allows for deeper penetration, without touching skin outside the treatment area. Fraxel Re:Pair also encourages skin tightening by altering weakened collagen in the dermal layer of your skin. Some patients see dramatic results in as little as 48 hours!
RE:PAIR is the best choice for men and women who want significant resurfacing results that will truly address deeper wrinkles and skin laxity without surgery.
DIOLITE TREATMENTS are comfortable and effective. The Diolite laser can treat both vascular and pigmented lesions with no pain and no downtime. Treatments are quick and the results can be seen immediately.
Well, I love today’s advanced lasers and the beautiful, healthy results they afford my patients. More in my next blog!
Dr. Covey
Amazing Lasers for Age Reversing Cosmetic Treatments… Today
Lasers are an integral part of the anti aging revolution today...more so than over the past decade as both men and women now include laser treatments in their regular cosmetic/health regimen.
It’s absolutely true that the right laser treatments, done at the right times, can treat just about any skin problem under the sun. These laser and energy based magic wands can reverse the signs of aging, reduce deep lines and scars, resurface the skin, remove unwanted hair, reduce or eliminate skin pigmentation and textural abnormalities…and more. Since there are so many age reversing laser options available, my next few blogs will focus on these solutions. Keep reading!
WHAT IS A LASER? A true laser is Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation that uses a crystal to produce a targeted light beam.
HOW A LASER WORKS: All lasers are light based devices that target different types of skin cells to achieve the desired results. Your surgeon must be able to match the right laser to each individual problem. Each wavelength is unique to each problem.
ABLATIVE LASERS remove the top layer of skin tissue and the power can be dialed up or dialed down to increase or decrease the level of penetrations. The more ablative the laser, the deeper the penetration making recovery longer…but with more dramatic results
NON ABLATIVE LASERS leave the outer layer of skin intact but can still penetrate to correct the problem. Since there is no skin sloughing (as with ablative lasers) downtime is much shorter as are pain and discomfort.
I’ve been using lasers, and offering my patients the many amazing laser treatment options, for over two decades. See my website for more information:
Here are just a few of the treatments we offer:
CELLULAZE LASER for attacking cellulite where it begins…under the skin! Cellulaze is the amazing FDA approved breakthrough treatments for cellulite that gets results with just one treatment. Smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms and anywhere cellulite occurs, has proven this laser technology invaluable in the treatment of ugly, unwelcome cellulite!
CLEAR+BRILLIANT laser treatments are very popular this time of year to restore younger, healthier, clearer looking skin to enjoy along with the freshness of spring. Clear+Brilliant ushers in a renewed youthfulness with gentle treatments that combat the “early signs of aging.”
FRAXEL RE:STORE DUAL WAVELENGTH LASER TREATMENTS offer better results more quickly and more comfortably than ever before. This laser system uses two wavelengths to repair and restore smoother, fresher, younger looking skin.
Well, there are more laser options, but that’s it for this blog. I have patients waiting for their age reversing laser treatments!
April 11, in the Manhattan office…don’t miss our “Spring Fling” Botox, Dermal Filler and Liquid Facelift event. Call 212 931 0700 to reserve your treatment of choice!
Dr. Covey
When injectable fillers first made their debut they were used exclusively to fill in facial folds. Today fillers are used for much more. They replace volume and reposition the skin to add volume, actually lift folds, smooth out lines and wrinkles and take years off an aging face…instantly and with longer lasting results from advanced formulas.
TODAY’S INJECTABLES DO PREVENT LINES and WRINKLES and they LIFT SAGGING SKIN! They are truly amazing and they do achieve either instant or gradual and subtle results.
PRIMER on INJECTABLES: It’s important to understand how aging affects certain areas of your face and what options are best suited to correct the aging such as:
- CROW’S FEET are fine lines that start at the outer corner of the eyes and extend out. These are caused by muscle activity. We correct them using BOTOX or DYSPORT (neurotoxins).
- DROOPY BROWS are caused by excessive brow movement and can cause loss of the natural eyebrow arch resulting in a heavy appearance. BOTOX or DYSPORT can lift the eyebrows to their natural, youthful position.
- TEAR TROUGHS and HOLLOWS start below the bridge of the nose and lower eyelid, extending downward toward the cheek. RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM or BELOTERO safely treats these areas.
- CHEEKS, TEMPLES and JAWLINES … As fat diminishes with aging, these areas commonly sag and appear shallow. I use NEW VOLUMA XC, RADIESSE, PERLANE, RESTYLANE or JUVEDERM ULTRA PLUS to restore natural youthfulness.
- NASOLABIAL FOLDS are lines extending downward from the bottom of the nose to the outer corners of the lips and are caused by fat that has shifted due to normal aging. RESTYLANE, JUVEDERM, PERLANE, RADIESSE or BELOTERO corrects these unwelcome folds!
- LIPS...Over time your lips can become thin, flat and lose their youthful shape and fullness. Great lip plumpers include: JUVEDERM, RESTYLANE, PERLANE or BELOTERO.
FILLERS and INJECTABLES are one of our most requested anti aging, age defying treatments today…for men and women, because they offer quick results with minimal downtime. However, there is some misleading information out there about what they can and cannot do. This false information causes much confusion, and I plan to address this in my next few blogs. Look for that next time.
My Best to You and Yours,
Dr. Covey
For the Body of your Dreams…. Get “Body Sculpted”
My last couple blogs focused on Body Reshaping and an overview of a few of the amazing tools I employ to achieve my patients’ goals. Body Sculpting, Refining, Reshaping and Body Contouring (interchangeable terms) is so popular among Baby Boomers, GenX and the Millennials today…thus the reason for my stayed focus on it. Body Reshaping is safe and effective…is used for various body areas…and it is here to stay.
Changing the size, profile or parameters of the anatomy and refining those areas is what Body Sculpting is all about. There are various methods used for achieving the “perfect body” or “body of your dreams.”
- To tighten loose skin after dramatic weight loss
- Restore a PrePregnancy Body after Childbirth
- Tighten up loose, saggy skin and remove excess fat pockets
- Eliminate unwelcome Cellulite and “dimples” it causes
- Be able to wear stylish clothing of your choice
- Sculpt a healthy, trim, firm and contoured body
- Achieve the “refined” body they’ve always wanted
- Restore self confidence and boost self esteem
- Look as fabulous and healthy as you feel!
WHEN IS A GOOD TIME TO HAVE BODY SCULPTING DONE? This is the most frequent questions I get from patients. MY ANSWER:
This answer will vary with each patient since no two people are the same. But, you should be in good general health, and at a stable weight…for at least three months before starting on your personalized treatment program. Continuing a healthy, active lifestyle and weight management is critical to enjoying your long term results.
THE GOAL OF ALL BODY SCULPTING/CONTOURING is to achieve balance and harmony for the entire body. Thus, treating the body “as a whole” and never as isolated parts.
Since, patients often choose multiple body areas for refining, a combination of treatments may be required to accomplish the desired goals.
SMARTLIPO TRIPLEXTM for Body Sculpting. . It involves removing unwanted fat from body areas that have resisted even the strictest diet and most rigorous workouts. SmartLipo accomplishes more than liposuction with less invasiveness and amazing precision!
Other treatments are often used in combo with liposuction/lipolysis for the neck, jawline, inner arms, men’s breasts, abs and love handles, women’s bra fat (overhang) inner/outer thighs, inner knees, chin, hips, buttocks, pubic mound, back of neck, such as skin tightening using Exilis, Mesotherapy or Cellulaze etc. See my website for more info on these amazing options:
EXILIS offers the newest advances in non surgical skin tightening to reduce unwanted inches and to lift and contour sagging skin anywhere on your body! CELLULAZE LASER treatments attack cellulite where it originates…under the skin. One treatment can result in smoother skin on your abs, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms and anywhere cellulite occurs.
Every generation today is concerned with anti aging! So, treatments are geared to turning back the clock…today’s Filler FaceLifts take years off an aging face by restoring youthfulness. New Voluma, Botox, Juvederm, Belotero, Dysport, Perlane, Radiesse and Restylane injectables eliminate and smooth out lines and wrinkles. Laser treatments remove age/sun spots, acne and more, and are part of safe, effective treatments patients choose daily to slow down the signs of aging.
Call soon for your consultation and let’s get started on your Body Refining and age defying program!
Helping You Be Your Very Best,
Dr. Covey
Eliminate Cellulite, Get Sculpted and Get Better Buttocks!
NIP CELLULITE in the BUTTOCKS! ! Your buttocks are one of the favorite places for cellulite to call home. I’m sure you know how stubborn Cellulite can be, regardless of a clean diet and rigorous workouts. Women, in particular, are plagued by cellulite taking up residence in various areas of the body. The buttocks are one of those places. CELLULAZE is a powerful laser treatment that reduces cellulite by attacking it under the skin in the structural tissues responsible for making cellulite. CELLULAZE employs energy to heat up and cut the fibrous bands beneath the skin that cause the ugly dimpling. One treatment offers immediate improvement with continued improvement for months and long term results.
WOMEN TODAY WANT BETTER BUTTOCKS! Women who are into Body Sculpting and Refinement want their buttock area to look its absolute best. The concern is with shape, size and positioning. They are smart and understand that diet and exercise alone will not get it. Today’s amazing treatments include fat melting and skin tightening lasers that can achieve your perfect silhouette. Read on to learn about other body shaping options in high demand today.
MESOTHERAPY … BREAKTHROUGH, NON SURGICAL THERAPY TO GET RID OF UNWANTED FAT and CELLULITE! I am specialized and certified in this revolutionary treatment, having received my training from the worlds most renowned Mesotherapists: Dr. Jacques Le Coz (Paris) and Dr. Patricia Ritters (South America). See the bullets below for the benefits you get:
· Improved blood flow to the treatment area
· Excess fat deposits are dissolved
· Fibrotic, hardened connective tissue is removed
· Lymphatic drainage is improved
· Removes fat from fat cells
· Can be used wherever Cellulite exists
· Involves no surgery, no downtime, no discomfort
· Injection formulations are a combination of medicines, vitamins and amino acids, delivered into the mesoderm (middle layer of skin).
Mesotherapy is the home run treatment for fat and cellulite removal!
See: for more info on Mesotherapy.
Effectively dealing with fat and cellulite is part of successful body sculpting and shaping. I’ve just given you overviews on a few more top treatments to deal with these issues.
Bikini season is coming!!
Are you ready to put your best body forward?
Let’s talk soon and design your personalized treatment plan. Now is the time to start creating the “body of your dreams!”
Dr. Covey
CELLULAZE LASER to finally eliminate your cellulite!
Cellulite is relentless. It shows up on the thighs, buttocks, stomach, upper arms and other body areas. Diet, rigorous exercise, weight training and high intensity exercises are great for weight loss, weight control, strength building and muscle tone but they do not eliminate cellulite. Women with dreaded cellulite constantly seek ways to be rid of it.
CAUSES of the BULGES of Cellulite include poor circulation, connective tissue and fibrous bands that push against fat. Aging, hormones, genetics and weight fluctuations, a build up of toxins, and enlarged fat cells play a role in how the hills and valleys of cellulite form within the layers of the skin. Cellulite attacks 85% of women over age 20.
TWO TYPES of CELLULITE: 1) Primary cellulite is due to enlarged or swollen fat cells that bulge through the tight fibrous septa bands that connect to the skin. This is the classic cellulite that most women complain about. It’s mostly occurs on the thighs, buttocks and saddlebags. 2) Secondary Cellulite is caused by loose skin that makes the cellulite visible. Sun damage, extreme weight loss and aging skin are the causes. This type is harder to treat due to skin laxity.
Weak muscles have poorly developed muscle fibers and can impact how skin lays. The stronger and more toned your muscles are, the better your body is at burning off excess fat and increasing circulation which may help limit the look of circulation. So, yes exercise is important to minimize cellulite…but it’s not the ultimate solution.
LUMPY POCKETS, magic creams, lotions and potions, SPA Treatments…none of them make cellulite disappear. But the revolutionary Cellulaze Laser dramatically reduces cellulite in one treatment!
CELLULAZEtm LASER is the world’s first minimally invasive way of attacking cellulite where it begins…under the skin! You can have smoother skin on your abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and arms, or anywhere cellulite appears, with just one treatment.
· Cellulaze is a simple, in office treatment with brief downtime
· It melts excess fat under the skin
· Removes the fibrous band that pulls the skin into a dimple
· Cellulaze stimulates collagen production which thickens skin
· Uses a very small cannula with Sidelight 3Dtm technology
· The technology directs laser thermal energy into the treatment zone
· Lumpy fat pockets are diminished, skin depressions released and skin elasticity and skin thickness improves
· Some results are seen immediately with ongoing improvement
My patients love Cellulazetm Laser treatments because they get results! Cellulaze is another method of body sculpting and contouring. Visit my website for more info:
TRIED ALL THE REST? WHY NOT THE BEST… CELLULAZE LASER treatments to eliminate your cellulite! Now is the time to start getting into shape for Spring events…graduations, weddings, family reunions and more. Let’s talk soon!
Best to you and yours,
Dr. Covey
Juvederm Voluma XC for youthful cheeks again…The choice of “ageless celebs”
Instant gratification is the anti aging war cry of today’s generations, both senior and everybody else! In fact, the new beauty economics (tagged by the Millenials) includes cosmetic procedures as part of their normal health care routine, with the requirement that treatments be “in and out” with no downtime as much as possible. The bottom line is that men and women of all ages and stages in life are having “quick fix age defying, cosmetic treatments.“
My constant goal is to help my patients achieve their individual goals to restore/maintain health and youthfulness. I offer the most advanced yet safest options available today.
Juvederm® Voluma XC injectable filler is now FDA approved and I am proud to be among the first in my area to offer it.
JUVERDERM® VOLUMA XC…the next stage in advanced dermal fillers. It is specifically formulated and approved for cheek augmentation for adults 21 and older. Besides “instant gratification” it offers long lasting results that provide a more youthful appearance by reducing sunken, sagging, wrinkled skin through volume replacement. With Juvederm Voluma XC you get immediate results… minus 10 years of facial aging.
· Voluma XC is truly set apart from other dermal fillers. Here’s what it offers:
· Extra volume gel fills and gently lifts the cheeks
· Nose and mouth lines and wrinkles are eliminated due to fuller midface contour (a mini lift!)
· Results are instant with no downtime and long lasting youthful results
· Skin looks and feels naturally smooth due to special formulation
· Juvederm Voluma XC is safe and effective for all ethnicities
· Lidocaine (part of the formulation) ensures comfortable injections
· Two formula strengths: Xc and Ultra XC allows for versatilite treatments: mouth and nasolabial folds contouring (from volume replacement) and/or extra volume replacement for deeper wrinkles/folds using the Ultra XC formula
· Treatment takes about 30 minutes and many patients return to normal activities
Men and women today are having injectable filler treatments. They are starting younger (30’s) and maintaining regularly to keep looking good. Injectable fillers often stave off invasive procedures and keep you looking several years younger! We’ve learned from the “Celebs” who start small treatments early and then maintain to continue looking ageless. Juvederm® Voluma XC is a top choice among “ageless celebrities.”
Act now if you want soft, supple, red hot lips by Valentine’s Day. Lip Enhancement is a top treatment this time of year. We can restore the sexy lips of your youth with injectables and a few habit changes. Website:
Aging lips lose collagen thus causing the lips to become thin, flat, loose their pucker ability and their beautiful curves. Collagen is replaced using HA fillers (hyaluronic acid) injected into pre targeted areas around the mouth. Results can be instant and long lasting. Lip Enhancement using Juvederm, Perlane, Restylane etc. is a “quick fix” with beautiful, youthful results. Let’s talk now!
I’m excited about the wonderful results we’re getting with Juvederm® Voluma XC! You will be too once you’ve tried it!
Next blog will cover Body sculpting and contouring to get back into shape or to create your ideal body shape.
Alexander Covey, M.D.
Hot Cosmetic Trends for Men in 2014
Today’s Men are clearly in on having anti aging cosmetic procedures! My male clientelle is growing by leaps and bounds the same as others across the nation. There are a few differences between men’s demands and those of our female patients. Basically, Men want to look younger, more energetic and healthy simply because they want to…and because the competitive career market today demands that men and women look good. Our society equates looking good with youthfulness, thus the tremendous upsurge in age defying cosmetic treatments this past decade. Men also want their treatments to be “subtle”…they simple don’t want anyone else to know they’re having Botox® (Brotox) treatments for a smoother, younger looking face. Men want “in and out” no downtime options. That means treatments like Botox with reduced redness, swelling and bruising. (Be sure you use only a Certified Expert Injector).
We offer many Men’s anti aging cosmetic treatments that are safe and effective without surgery…that’s right no knife, no cutting and no downtime.
- American Board of Plastic Surgery reports Male cosmetic treatments are up by 258% over 10 years
- Men are opting for more laser treatments to promote health and youthfulness
- Rhinoplasty, Hair Removal and Blepharoplasty (for the eyes) is still at the top
- Botox (Brotox), Hyaluronic Acid Fillers e.g. Juvederm, Restylane etc for lines and wrinkles and stressed look removal
- Microdermabrasion for skin resurfacing reveals younger, healthier skin, removes scars, sun damage and discoloration
- Men are starting cosmetic treatments at younger ages and then maintaining on a regular basis
- The Millenials treat cosmetic anti aging procedures as part of their regular health regimen
- Cosmetic treatments for men and women of the younger generations are the “New Beauty Economics”
- The stigma for men and cosmetic treatments is gone…men are in the deal to stay
- I offer non surgical alternatives to surgical procedures
Ok, we have the treatments and they work. But preventive measures are important too. Here are a few that can really make a difference in your quest for anti aging:
- Start now and do these the rest of your life to make a difference
- SKIN CARE is critical at every age. To maintain healthy skin keep well hydrated, including your facial skin. Yes, men need good skin hydration and protection against harmful environmental agents.
- Use Sunscreen – UVA and UVB rays are responsible for 90% of the early signs of facial aging
- Stress…manage it or it will manage you! Daily stressors contribute to acne, facial lines and grooves especially around the eyes.
- Exercise for Stress Reduction. Go to the gym and workout, ski, swim, bike etc to get the blood flowing and strengthen those heart muscles.
- Maintain a “healthy” diet. Get rid of the junk food. Instead, eat raw vegetables, fruits, good oils, drink at lest 64 ounces of water daily, eat more fish etc.
- Sleep is critical to good overall health. Lack of adequate sleep shows up in facial aging.
- Live a Healthy Lifestyle. Don’t smoke, limit alcohol consumptions, get over the party life and into a daily healthy routine.
- Visit my website for info on procedures/products:
This post is an overview of future articles I’ll write educating on the procedures I offer to both men and women. Look for great info as we go through 2014… helping you to be your very best!
Dr. Covey
HYPERPIGMENTATION…those dreaded discolored skin spots and blotches!
Hyperpigmentation is a problem in the U.S. Caused by excess melanin production that results in dark spots and patchy skin, it is correctable. But stopping it requires diligent use of the right skin care products and clinical treatments. Read on for more info on the causes and treatment options.
BIRTH CONTROL and HORMONE THERAPIES Many doctors see a direct correlation between the use of birth control and hormone replacement therapy to developing hyperpigmentation. The increased usage of both treatments in the US is well documented along with the onset of skin hyperpigmentation for those involved in these medical treatments.
SUNSCREEN NON USAGE Sunscreen should be used all year around but not every American wears sunscreen daily. Tanning is another known contributor to the rise of hyperpigmentation.
CERTAIN DISEASES are proven to affect skin tone. Diabetes in particular among older women often causes skin discoloration, especially on the neck.
POPULATION CHANGES amplify hyperpigmentation since it occurs more often in those ethnic groups with greater numbers of natural genetic pigment producing skin cells.
Brown, red or pink, small or large clustered or diffuse darkening of the skin. Any part of the skin that is darker than the rest is hyperpigmented regardless of where it appears. The importance of using sunscreen daily cannot be overemphasized!
DISCOLORATION TYPES…Melasma, Sunspots (age/liver spots), Freckles, PIH.
To effectively treat it and stop it…recognize each type of hyperpigmentation:
1) MELASMA is light to medium brown; occurs on the cheeks, side of face, upper nose, forehead and above the lip. Look like splotchy patches irregular in shape and size. Caused by a surge in hormones from pregnancy,child birth coupled with excess sun exposure. TREATMENT: Retin-A, acid peels, IPL treatments and others.
2) SUNSPOTS (age/liver spots) – Light to dark brown color; on the face, chest and hands. They are small, flat dark spots caused by the sun. TREATMENT: Retinol + IPL Fractional laser treatments.
3) PIH – Pink, red or brown flat spots on the face caused by inflammatory acne. TREATMENTS: Light salicylic acid chemical peels and red light or blue light treatments.
4) FRECKLES are light to dark brown or red or black spots, small and concentrated on the face, chest and arms. TREATMENTS: Fraxel or Yag laser.
Also understand that pigmentation occurs in cycles. Sometimes discoloration occurs instantly while in other cases it occurs over two to four weeks. Aging affects skin discoloration as the melanin is unevenly distributed. I see patients all the time seeking treatment for their spots. For complete treatment info see “spots” on my website: I use include: IPL, Diolite, Fraxel laser, Gentle waves)
MEN and COSMETIC TREATMENTS … Men are just as quick to have cosmetic treatments as are women. For example; Botox for male treatments is called Brotox. Men of all ages and stages are having cosmetic treatments in order to stay competitive in their careers and simply because they want to look good. Some popular men’s options include: Rhinoplasty, Hair Transplant, Laser Hair removal, Blepharoplasty (upper and lower eyelids), Brotox, Injectable facial fillers, microdermabrasion and more. Men want quick fixes, or “in and out” no downtime options. We have these options and our male clientelle is growing weekly! The outdated stigma is gone as proven by the increasing numbers of men who are aging more youthfully!
I offer my patients only the safest, most effective non surgical, anti aging options available today. You can look and feel your absolute best! Let’s talk soon.
Dr. Covey
2014 Age Defying Injectable Treatments
Well, we’re already half way through January, 2014 and my patients are still seeking ways to recover from the Holiday’s. In addition to my last two blogs discussing Glow N’Go Post Holiday Skin Rejuvenation and Clear+Brilliant Fraxel Laser treatments, this blog is a brief look at Botox Cosmetic, Dysport and Belotero. All three of these are injectables used to slow down the visible results of aging and restore many years of “youthfulness” to the face.
BOTOX and Brotox
We all develop worry lines, frown lines, laugh/smile lines and Crow’s feet referred to as “dynamic lines and wrinkles” caused by muscles in motion. These lines and wrinkles become more deeply etched into grooves as we age.
Botox® Cosmetic has been used for about two decades worldwide in medical treatments and was developed for cosmetic use in more recent years. Botox is injected into pre targeted areas to block the nerve impulses to the muscles. simultaneously it smooths out facial wrinkles.
Botox is safe, effective, non invasive (non surgical) and can be done over a lunch hour.
Brotox is so named for male Botox treatments using the same formula. Today’s men are having “in and out” cosmetic treatments for career reasons and to look good and be as healthy as possible.
DYSPORT® is a first cousin or twin to Botox Dysport is an injectable form of botulinum toxin type A, the same as Botox. Dysport was first developed in the United Kingdom to treat neurological, ophthalmic and neuromuscular disorders. It was further developed for cosmetic purposes like wrinkle treatments. It too is one of today’s safe, effective anti aging options. Here are some of Dyrport’s benefits:
· No downtime “in and out” lunch hour treatment
· Results are visible within 2 or 3 days, results are clinically proven to be longer lasting
· Dysport may be right for you
BELOTERO BALANCE® …for youthfulness that is uniquely you!
Facial youthfulness is lost as we age due to reduced production of HA (hyaluronic Acid) which affects the underlying facial support structure. Belotero is a highly effective injectable that restores these structures naturally.
Belotero is made from non animal based hyaluronic acid and is similar to other fillers such as Restylane® and Perlane®. Belotero is uniquely formulated to integrate smoothly with your skin for more natural results. It’s unique properties make it more versatile in correcting deep wrinkles and superficial lines. It can plump up your lips and smooth out laugh lines, upper lip lines, crow’s feet and marionette lines…discreetly. With Belotero, people will see a naturally younger looking you that will keep them wondering!
The goal for my blogs is to educate you, update you and encourage you in your quest for a healthy, more youthful aging process. At East End Laser Care I offer only safe yet advanced alternatives to plastic surgery. My patients have learned that they can “Forget the Knife” by using my preferred treatments. You can too!
It is most important to choose a trained, certified expert injector for all of your injectable/Botox/Filler treatments. Please know that more than 100,000 doctors are allowed to perform injectables in the U.S. but only 3% are qualified to do so. Expert Injectors are endorsed by the prestigious American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Buyer Beware!
Best to You and Yours,
Dr. Covey